CH vehicle fleet: where the most expensive cars are driven

KANTONE RANKING An analysis by AXA shows that the people of Zug drive the most expensive cars. Schwyz and Appenzell Innerrhoden are also among the leaders. The people of Jura, Neuchâtel and Fribourg like it cheaper.

Average vehicle value
The most expensive cars are on the road in the cantons of Zug and Schwyz.

The most expensive cars in Switzerland come from the canton of Zug. This is shown by statistics from Swiss motor vehicle insurer AXA for 2023, where the average vehicle value is around CHF 65,000. In second place is the canton of Schwyz with just over CHF 58,000, followed by Appenzell Innerrhoden with just under CHF 55,000. The cantons of Graubünden, Basel-Stadt, Zurich, Nidwalden, Basel-Land, Obwalden, Aargau, Valais and Geneva are also above the average.

Models from every price category

The cheapest cars are on the road in the cantons of Jura, Neuchâtel and Fribourg. The average vehicle value there is between 43,000 and 44,000 francs. The ranking shows the average prices of the insured cars, but the range is wide in all cantons.

Jérôme Pahud, Head of Mobility Insurance at AXA: "The spectrum of insured cars ranges from models costing less than 10,000 francs to luxury cars worth several million francs."

Vehicle values continue to rise

A look at the figures from 2019 shows that cars in Switzerland are becoming more expensive. At that time, a car cost an average of around 44,000 francs. Four years later, it is just under CHF 49,000. In the Jura, the price increase is progressing at a somewhat slower pace. While Schaffhausen, Bern and Appenzell Ausserrhoden rely on the tried and tested, the newest vehicles are registered in the canton of Ticino. Zug is in second place. The oldest cars drive around with Schaffhausen, Bern and Appenzell Ausserrhoden license plates. They are around eleven years old.

Neuchâtel are kilometer kings

Cars are used the most in the canton of Neuchâtel. Users there cover more than 14,000 kilometers by car per year, crossing Switzerland from east to west more than 40 times. The cantons of Zug, Obwalden, Fribourg and Vaud follow close behind with an average annual mileage of not quite 14,000. Cars are driven significantly less - around 12,000 kilometers per year - in the cantons of Geneva, Uri and Bern.

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