Auto trade: Over 800 apprenticeship vacancies!

CHANCE Trial apprenticeships in auto repair shops are possible again. Around 800 apprenticeships are still open. The end of the lockdown offers the ideal opportunity to gain an insight into the industry. It is true that workshops were allowed to continue operating after March 16. However, trial apprenticeships were not possible until May 11 due to the Corona crisis. The AGVS offered [...]

There are still 800 apprenticeship vacancies. That is 200 fewer than in the last survey at Easter.

It is true that the workshops were allowed to continue operating after March 16. However, trial apprenticeships were not possible until May 11 due to the Corona crisis.

The AGVS offered interested young people the option of an online taster as a substitute. On the website car the Association of Swiss Garagists presented all basic vocational training courses in videos - an optimal information platform also for future apprentices.

Premiums for training companies

Olivier Maeder, who is responsible for education on the AGVS Executive Board, says: "We ourselves are surprised and pleased that an impressive number of apprenticeship contracts were signed even during the lockdown. Nevertheless, measures are needed to ensure that the apprenticeship positions that are still open are filled."

In the medium to long term, the AGVS would like to see better recognition for training companies - for example in the form of bonuses that the training companies should receive per apprentice.

Teachings in different areas
The number of apprentices in the automotive industry has remained at a consistently high level for years: every year, around 3,000 school leavers start a basic vocational training program in a garage business, 2,700 of them in one of the technical professions In addition, the Swiss automotive industry also offers apprenticeships in the commercial sector and in retailing.

Overall, the Swiss industry counted around 8000 apprentices in each of the years 2017 to 2019.

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