Land Rover: Next Defender in use 🎥

HARD TREST Even though the world premiere is yet to take place - the new Land Rover Defender is already in use. The wildlife and conservation organization Tusk are using the vehicle in the Borana Reserve. The prototype of the new Defender was given a camouflage paint job and equipped with expedition accessories and a high-set air intake in order to enter the approximately 14,000 [...]

The prototype of the new Defender was given a camouflage paint job and equipped with expeditionary accessories and a high-set air intake to penetrate the Borana sanctuary, which covers some 14,000 hectares.
Here, the Tusk team locates and tracks lions equipped with tracking devices to gain knowledge for their conservation program. The new Defender showed its strengths in tracking runs and transporting equipment for the animal conservationists.

Test program for the all-wheeler
The test program, unique in this form, gave Tusk employees the opportunity to subject the new Land Rover Defender to a whole range of requirements in practice. For example, the British four-wheeler had to ford deep river courses and pull heavily loaded trailers through the reserve, where flat plains are joined by deeply rutted tracks, steep, rocky climbs, muddy riverbanks and dense forests.

Critical situation for lions in Africa
Land Rover has been an official partner of the wildlife and conservation organization for 15 years. With the promotional use of the Defender as part of the lion conservation program, Land Rover and Tusk want to draw attention to the critical situation in which lions find themselves in Africa.
Three quarters of the continent's populations are in decline - there are now more white and black rhinos in Africa than lions. Only fewer than 20,000 specimens of the "king of beasts" are at home in the African wilderness today. A decade ago, 200,000 lions still lived there.

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